Inherited from InsArtis and ABC practices, project[s] benefits from institutional partners network for animations, participation in working group, helps, research contracts or financing of thesis and information means used in research and teaching fields.
project[s] is involved in an international dynamic. The applications and training in the field of earthquake prevention in Haiti shows the project[s] members’ ability to commit themselves in foreign countries. Thanks to our exchanges, co-supervision and doctoral and pedagogical exchanges were realised with Tunisia, Brazil and the United Kingdom.
The objective of the laboratory is to join the French and English speaking networks on the project question and to play an active role.
project[s] is involved in the Institut Méditerranéen de la Ville et des Territoires (IMVT) (Mediterranean Institution for Cities and Territories). Indeed, based on the grouping of three schools : architecture (ENSA-M), landscape (ENSP-Versailles to Marseille) and the town planning institution (IUAR), the IMVT should be endowed with a research unit in which the question of the project should be central. project[s] could become one of the structuring elements.