
The school of Marseille had a pioneering role in the research in architecture with the creation of Gamsau as soon as 1969 (Study group for the application of scientific methods in architecture and town planning), which became in 1998, the Joint Research Unit MAP (models and simulation for Architecture, town planning and landscape).

Two other laboratories were created afterwards : INAMA positioned on the historical and morphological study of contemporary urban developments and on the history of contemporary architecture in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region and ABC, specialised in bioclimatic atmospheres, high environmental quality and earthquake-resistant construction.

InsARTis, created in 2004 and accredited in 2006, was set up in addition to this plan of action around the theme of cooperative practices in art-architecture-engineering.

In 2014, ABC and INSARTIS decided to pool their strengths in one unique laboratory, PROJECT[s], on the project problem itself, knowledge that it mobilizes and those that it develops.

The school of Marseille houses today three accredited research units :

INAMA (investigation on the history and the current events of the architectural changes): study of the metropolitan area in space and in time and history of contemporary architecture in the region and in the Mediterranean.

UMR CNRS/MCC 3495 : Models and simulations for Architecture and Heritage.

PROJECT[s] The Research Unit studies knowledge into action in the project : knowledge required and used in the design; knowledge processed and produced by design. It attempts to determine under which aspects the first ones are actually used, and the second ones are actually produced in the disciplines of architecture, landscape, town planning, design and engineering.

In the framework of the creation of the PhD in architecture, a doctoral research department was created in 2008, this department provides the training of PhD students within the Doctoral School 355 : « Spaces, Cultures and Societies»  of Aix Marseille University
