- You can download the infosheet of ENSA-M, ENSA-M Infosheet ;
- Campus France is a general information website on Higher Education in France, procedures in order to come and study here, and reception of foreign students : http://www.campusfrance.org/fr ;
- You will also find information on administrative procedures, on life in France and many other useful basic information on the website : France Diplomatie http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/venir-en-france/etudier-en-france/.
Useful Tips
Digitise your important documents
(passport, plane ticket, your international health insurance card, insurance certificate, …) and send them to your own email adress, as well as one of your close relatives.
What insurances do you have to take at your arrival ?
La Sécurité Sociale (Social Security)
• ERASMUS students : to benefit from the French Social Security without being charged, you need to give the registration office a copy of your European Health Insurance Card provided by your own country ;
- Students with AGREEMENTS : you must subscribe to French Social Security : about 215 €.
Other insurance:
A student and private life civil liability insurance : this insurance protects you against financial consequences in case of physical and material damages that you may cause to a natural or legal person during your university or private activities, as well as during your internship.
You can subscribe to this insurance:
- at MEP or LMDE (students private health insurance) which will be on-site on your first day at ENSA-Marseille ;
- or through another private insurance company or a bank that you can directly contact either the day of your arrival in Marseille or before your departure via the Internet ;
- In case you would have already taken out “a student and private life civil liability insurance” in your own country, that covers the risks mentionned above during your stay in France, you are obligated to provide this insurance information translated into French..
No registration will be done without showing this insurance beforehand.
Finding accommodation in Marseille
Residence hall
See the CROUS-Marseille website, contact them and choose a room on the campus of Luminy.
Visale device, Rental deposit
Visale (french) It covers unpaid rent charge (french).
Access to Visale is simple, everything is done online in a fast and secure way. So, the response time is about 2 working days to obtain the “Visa Action Logement” certificate to be included in the rental file. This device is completely free and cumulative according to your profile. “Action Logement” provides other housing assistances (french) for students and young workers such as Mobili-Jeune or Loca-Pass, check your eligibility before the signing of the lease agreement to these various housing assistances.
Private sector
Which has rates naturally more expensive.
See the following website :
- www.nexity-studea.com
- www.seloger.com
- www.marseille-tourisme.com
- www.marseille-tourisme.com/fr/nous-contacter/
You may be entitled to receive a housing benefit (BE)/ a rent subsidy (US), find out and consult this website: : www.caf.fr at the beginning of September
What is a Taïga software ?
This common software available to all French ENSA provides the students’ schooling follow-up. You will be given a pin code at your arrival at the school.
Beyond its management functionalities, Taïga permits an easy and broad communication between the different active members of the school, teachers, students or administrative staff on pedagogical questions. From his/her access to the web portal, each student can:
- -Browse the different academic years he/she was registered in ;
- Consult his/her timetable ;
- Consult his/her test marks in the selected academic year ;
- write to teachers in charge of courses he/she is registered in ;
- Download the files dropped by teachers on the ftp server ;
- Print his/her certificates and certificates of registrations ;
- Check his/her administrative and pedagological registrations ;
- Achieve the validation of the administrative registration ;
- Pay online the amount of the administrative registration ;
- Respond online to the different questionnaires that are sent to him/her.