Institutional framework

Exchanges carried out in this framework are those under bilateral agreements of the ERASMUS programme, as well as those through bilateral agreements.

ERASMUS is an educational and training programme established by the European Union.

Its specific aim is to contribute to the creation of a higher educational European space. Its operational objectives are among other things:

– To improve the quality and increase the amount of students and teachers in mobility in the whole of Europe.

– To increase the degree of transparency and compatibility between higher school diplomas and professional training obtained in Europe.

Along with the ERASMUS programme, ENSA-Marseille has established agreements with other universities outside of the ERASMUS geographical zone.

The lists of the establishments that signed an ERASMUS bilateral agreement or an agreement outside of the ERASMUS geographical zone with ENSA-Marseille can be consulted via the following website links :

In ENSA-Marseille, these exchanges are managed in a pedagological point of view by an international relations commission  appointed by the Board of Director.


Contacts :

International relations cabinet :

Caroline PÊTRE –  ERASMUS manager and coordinator

ENSA-Marseille – Bureau des Relations internationales
184 avenue de Luminy
13288 Marseille Cedex 9