The INAMA group was created in 1978, as a non-profit association (association Loi 1901), just before the institutionalisation of an architectural research in France which remains essentially related to educational institutions of architecture. Having the status of accredited laboratory since 1986 (Supervision of the Architecture Department/ Office of Architectural and Town Planning Research) we have been subjected since ever to the conventional rhythm of the management and accreditation report four times a year.
Concerned about interdisciplinarity and open-mindedness (as Human Sciences has influenced the architectural research in the schools after 1968), we have established links with our academic colleagues of Aix-en-Provence for a long time. That is how we started what is now known as UMR TELEMME (dir. Maryline Crivello) about twenty-five years ago.
The laboratory members are associate-researchers in UMR TELEMME / Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme (The Mediterranean House of Human Sciences).