Reclaim The Suburbs

Which Capacities For Participatory Approaches?
CAPA.CITY Autumnschool

14 au 17 octobre 2019
Turnhout (Belgique)

The point of departure of this CAPA.CITY autumnschool is that we need a new movement Reclaim the Suburbs that supports residents to organize themselves and initiate own retrofitting projects; projects that do reduce the societal costs of their mode of living, but also fit within their housing dream: garage-box entrepreneurs, multigenerational villa-collectives, eco-garden networks, crowdfunded community services or renewable energy cooperatives. The CAPA.CITY autumnschool will collect and discuss ongoing Reclaim the Suburb initiatives, with a focus on the capacities that collectives need to develop, in order to initiate, run and sustain such initiatives.

Important dates :

  • 24th of June 2019: Deadline submission motivation
  • 1st of June 2019: Notification of acceptance
  • 2nd of September 2019: Deadline submission of a poster

You will find the whole text in attachment, or in our website :

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more info and, do not hesitate to circulate this event in your networks.

Thank you very much,

Contactez Marion Serre pour plus de renseignements :

Marion Serre
Architecte, enseignante, docteur en architecture
Unité de recherche Project[s] – École d’architecture de Marseille
00 33 6 46 75 57 62  –